Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Horde Clubs Seals: Peta Whines

So apparently Peta has finally jumped off the deep end. The group is apparently holding a protest against the clubbing of digital seals in WoW. Now, those who have read my blog before know my opinions of the Peta-people, so disregard all of what I have said previously: they are no longer naive hippies with to much time on their hands, but rather just incredibly stupid. First of all do they realize that the seals clubbed in a video game are not real, secondly if they do they are just squelching a good bit of online fun to express their idealistic angst upon the rest of the world. If the seal clubbers are even a real group and not just a Peta rabble rousing facade (though that seems too elaborate for them) they have every right to club their virtual seals without being bothered by college-dropouts/eco-terrorists who like only like cute fluffy things way too much.

Shown: liking fluffy things way to much

The Peta-people also put together a quaint youtube video to prove their own idio... I mean protest the seal clubbing guild, the Sons of Canada. But why I ask did they give those undead the voices of inbred back country Arkansas folk, well I don' know (gasp! a first), but you can see the video here here. (disclaimer: this video is so incredibly stupid that half your brain may in fact rot over the fifty-five seconds this video runs) though this event of pure human stupidity is no were near as entertaining as their holiday anti-turkey eating bit, it still leaves me full of Shadenfreude over how Peta will be bashed for this.

and now to piss of any and all Peta-people who glance at this