Monday, November 24, 2008

Peta: the Unauthorized Video Game

"there's a place for all of god's creatures; right next to the mashed potatoes and gravy," Ted Nugent

Now if only I can stop laughing long enough to post this; Peta members are in the habit of being completely Bat shit-crazy Eco-terrorists. These Wacko's most recent endeavor has the making parodies of games they claim to represent the "evil" in the world, their ploys often backfire but few do so so hilariously.

This endeavor is to discredit the "cooking-mama" franchise, for those who never heard or don't care the cooking mama games are are a series of mini-games for the DS in which you help good ol' mama prepare unnecessarily elaborate meals to be greeted by the cheering of "yay! Better than Mama!". so PETA for some reason or another that preparing animal based dishes in a game was evil and took it upon them selves to put out propaganda, oh wait I'm sorry "message enforcement" against poor lil' mama. One thing they didn't count on was how stupid their idea was and how It provides more entertainment value and positive enforcement with the "yay, Meaner than mama" than it antagonizes it.

Cooking Mama: Mama Kills Animals

This game was very good up until the "bonus level" when mother becomes a vegan and you are forced to create a tofu turky.

The face of the evil corporations

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Star Trek: Boy Band

Look at this Picture

Willy Wifters

The Only thing I have to say is wtf. Well actually that's not the only thing I have to say right now but that's not the point right now, anyhoo this is the promo picture of the upcoming Star Trek movie-remake-thingy, and If I had not viewed the title I would have immediately associated it with a new boy band rather than A Remake of Star Trek. But that is not just theory It really happened; my parents (perhaps bigger Star Trek buffs than I) Without reading the captions asked me If that was "some boy band or something" to which I replied "nope, Unfortunately it's the new Star Trek remake", then the comment was raised "then why do they all look queer", which launched us into how in every early star trek (the original and Next generation) every male character was a man's man, hell even Data had more testosterone than all of the guys in the front, any way I'm off topic again.

So after boning up on this neglected topic I found out that it will have more akin to Enterprise than It will to the original star trek; I.e. showing the beginnings of the characters, early contacts, ect, ect, ect which I suppose was just a half assed excuse AS to why they cast a bunch twenty (I suppose the one I suppose is McCoy looks older) something nobody to command the enterprise. It was also stated that this movie would try to reach out to "New audiences" supposedly with it's leaner, meaner, and more realistic view of the future (which Is what I liked about Enterprise) which I suppose I can appreciate, but the twenty-something boy band-looking command crew will attract screaming teenage girls and as those who know me best can say, I hate screaming teenage girls, so when This remake is the most popular thing with the Teenage girl Demographic I won't be surprised though I surely hope that it won't. So I will go to see the movie (Maybe) out of loyalty, but I will not expect any more out of it than either Deep Space Nine or Voyager put out.

Oh, and By the way Enterprise was great

True heirs to the franchise

Monday, November 17, 2008

I Knew It!

I apologize for my previous attempt at this post; how could I have known that the sites moderators would decide to cancel and re-release the episode online, and I an sorry about linking to the wrong page and depending on you using your common sense to find the episode, but any way....

I knew It, look

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Back in the U.S.S.A.

Welcome to the USSA

I had intended to post this when our current socialist presidential elect was voted in by the unwashed masses. Now my "regular" readers may point out that I despise talking politics because doing so involves a lot of "paraphrasing" and a bullshit sense of Faux Intellectualism; this much is true, but, since I am an alpha-"Isolated nerd with a tenuous attachment to reality" (in the words of the Ask-a-Ninja Ninja) I must post my opinion.

First of all congratulations Morons you got what you deserved; an Inexperienced socialist puppet controlled by the idealistic far left. you could probably have gotten the equivalent leader by putting a Che Guevara sock puppet on a college sophomores' hand whilst said sophomore repeats every recorded thought that sounded "good" and takes no action on the ill conceived thoughts. Yes I said " takes no action" because Obama's talk is just that Talk; I know you might have started praying to a deity you warship or planing to fake your own death so you could live the rest of your days as a hermit in the great northern Alaskan wilderness communing (and consuming) with the animals, the land, and quite possibly Sarah Palinn(Oh great Off track again), because even the media has started to pull their hair out as they mumble "oh my god, we've created a monster". But there are are numerous things keeping Obama from doing anything; namely the presidents office not being a policy making position, the supreme court, various parts of the constitution, a divided house of congress, most of America's seniors(one of the largest groups of voters) being firmly against socialism after that cold war "thing", and most importantly our "glorious leader" not having any superior skills other than rabble rousing (I mean look seriously, he roused a massive amount of lazy-stupid-disorganized-pot-smoking-Che Guevara wearing college "know-it-all" Hippies to vote and preach for him en masse).

Now I have question how many bigots voted him in because he happened to be black... answer to many, fist why would you do such a thing; either you are on the death list of the NAACP, you have so little personality that you take racial guilt personally, you are intolerant of people who are not of your color, or you took Carlos Mencia seriously. If you answered yes for any of theses you are officially demoted on the Hindu karma wheel to be reincarnated as a banana slug(or lower if you where already that{but take heart, you had the brain of one anyway}). well anyway I've met my quota for bashing self-righteous morons for today.

Now I under stand that 65 percent of the population of the united states(and probably 90 percent of the western world) will hate me for this post, but that is why I dissabled the comments the first day of my blog so

I have no Intention of answering to the neo-KGB