Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Post Apocalyptic Survival test

As you may or may not know it is a hobby of mine to plan for worst case scenarios; namely the apocalypse. this comes from my tendency to weaponize everything I come into contact with. so on a whim I typed in post apocalyptic survival test in my Google search bar and got this: The Post-Apocalyptic Survival Test .

Here's what I got
The Cannabal
You scored 57 Strength, 80 Guile, 31 Morality, and 89 Survival Rate (out of 100%)

Well here you are. Alive and kickin'. Wait.. was that you kickin' or did that come from your stomache? Nevermind. What's important is that you made it... right? All those other survivors are just cattle. Congratulations and welcome to the REAL top of the food chain.

Basically I am an Amoral, intelligent, survivor but I could have told you without the test