Thursday, January 1, 2009

First Post of the New Year

Ah, a new year; I didn't want t0o seem frivolous in just posting because of the new year so you all get treated to a list of things to look forward to (or fear) in the world and on this blog.

In the world

-The new socialist leader of our country taking the office of president
-The release of blizzards big titles Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3
-The end of 2008

On my blog

- my reveiws of Fallout 3, Mass Effect, portal, and whatever else I happen to get
- (I know I promise this every time but) more posts, more often

Wow; 2009 doesn't have much going for it so to keep your minds off the coming year hear is a neatly placed distraction

a distraction