Thursday, November 20, 2008

Star Trek: Boy Band

Look at this Picture

Willy Wifters

The Only thing I have to say is wtf. Well actually that's not the only thing I have to say right now but that's not the point right now, anyhoo this is the promo picture of the upcoming Star Trek movie-remake-thingy, and If I had not viewed the title I would have immediately associated it with a new boy band rather than A Remake of Star Trek. But that is not just theory It really happened; my parents (perhaps bigger Star Trek buffs than I) Without reading the captions asked me If that was "some boy band or something" to which I replied "nope, Unfortunately it's the new Star Trek remake", then the comment was raised "then why do they all look queer", which launched us into how in every early star trek (the original and Next generation) every male character was a man's man, hell even Data had more testosterone than all of the guys in the front, any way I'm off topic again.

So after boning up on this neglected topic I found out that it will have more akin to Enterprise than It will to the original star trek; I.e. showing the beginnings of the characters, early contacts, ect, ect, ect which I suppose was just a half assed excuse AS to why they cast a bunch twenty (I suppose the one I suppose is McCoy looks older) something nobody to command the enterprise. It was also stated that this movie would try to reach out to "New audiences" supposedly with it's leaner, meaner, and more realistic view of the future (which Is what I liked about Enterprise) which I suppose I can appreciate, but the twenty-something boy band-looking command crew will attract screaming teenage girls and as those who know me best can say, I hate screaming teenage girls, so when This remake is the most popular thing with the Teenage girl Demographic I won't be surprised though I surely hope that it won't. So I will go to see the movie (Maybe) out of loyalty, but I will not expect any more out of it than either Deep Space Nine or Voyager put out.

Oh, and By the way Enterprise was great

True heirs to the franchise