Monday, November 24, 2008

Peta: the Unauthorized Video Game

"there's a place for all of god's creatures; right next to the mashed potatoes and gravy," Ted Nugent

Now if only I can stop laughing long enough to post this; Peta members are in the habit of being completely Bat shit-crazy Eco-terrorists. These Wacko's most recent endeavor has the making parodies of games they claim to represent the "evil" in the world, their ploys often backfire but few do so so hilariously.

This endeavor is to discredit the "cooking-mama" franchise, for those who never heard or don't care the cooking mama games are are a series of mini-games for the DS in which you help good ol' mama prepare unnecessarily elaborate meals to be greeted by the cheering of "yay! Better than Mama!". so PETA for some reason or another that preparing animal based dishes in a game was evil and took it upon them selves to put out propaganda, oh wait I'm sorry "message enforcement" against poor lil' mama. One thing they didn't count on was how stupid their idea was and how It provides more entertainment value and positive enforcement with the "yay, Meaner than mama" than it antagonizes it.

Cooking Mama: Mama Kills Animals

This game was very good up until the "bonus level" when mother becomes a vegan and you are forced to create a tofu turky.

The face of the evil corporations