Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Zero Punctuation

If you have never watched Ben "yahtzee" rant psychotically on zero punctuation, or seen anything else by him: you should, sure he may hurt your feelings with his reveiws, that is if your the lapdog of reveiwers.

First of all: the complaints, as always............... um................. well i guess some times he pisses people (not me) off.

Now what i like; he is completely mad, in a good way, he is honest in his reveiws (even though it may seem that he is taking cheap shots), finally he is genuinely funny; his wit is fresh, he uses verbal/visual puns, and dishes out plenty of verbal abuse.

over all he is great, though you should not use him as your only source for reveiws, though he should always be 'a' source, because he always points out every single flaw in a game.

you can find Yahtzee's Zero punctuation series at
and any thing else by him at